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Common Causes of Clogged Drains and How to Avoid Them

Are you dealing with a clogged drain in your home or office? Don't worry, you're not alone! Clogged drains are one of the most common plumbing problems faced by homeowners and business owners alike. In this blog post, we'll look at some of the common causes of clogged drains and provide tips on how to avoid them in the future.

By understanding what might be causing your clogged drain, you can take proactive steps to keep it flowing freely and avoid costly repairs down the road. So, let's get started!

1. Hair

One of the most common causes of clogged drains is hair. All the tiny strands that we shed every day can build up and create a major clog in pipes and sewer lines. To avoid this unpleasant situation, it's important to properly maintain your drains by regularly cleaning with chemical cleaners or using natural home remedies.

It is also helpful to install double sinks in areas like the bathroom so that you do not have to wash all of your hair down one drain. Additionally, placing strainers over bathtub and sink drains can help to collect hairs before it enters your pipes.

Utilizing certain products such as hair traps designed specifically for the purpose of catching excess hair before it enters the drain is very effective at avoiding clogs. With a bit of proactive effort, you can minimize the risk of having clogged drains due to excess hair buildup.

2. Soap Build-up

If your drain often gets clogged, one of the common causes could be soap build-up. You might be tempted to think that it’s not a big deal if there is some soap residue left in the drain but this can easily add up over time and affect the flow of water. To avoid this, you should make sure you thoroughly rinse out any soap residue every time you shower or do dishes.

You can use baking soda and white vinegar once a month to help dissolve any soap scum and residues that have accumulated in the drainage pipes. By being mindful of how much soap is being used and regularly avoiding its residue from building up, your drains will stay unclogged for years to come.

3. Grease & Oil

Grease and oil are some of the most common causes of clogged drains. Kitchen sinks are particularly prone to blockages from greasy cooking fats and oils, but any kind of drain can be easily overwhelmed by greasy messes. Over time, these oily residues will build up on the interior wall of your drain pipes, eventually creating a blockage requiring professional attention to clean out.

To help prevent this type of clog, never pour oil or fat directly down the drain. Instead, save it in an airtight container and put it in your garbage or better yet, take it to a recycling center that specializes in turning grease into biofuel products. You can also use baking soda regularly to help break down oils and fats before they cause major issues with your piping system-a great preventative measure for keeping your drains trouble-free!

4. Food Particles

Clogged drains are one of the most common home maintenance issues, and food particles are often to blame. Pouring cooking grease, oil, and fat down the sink will solidify in pipes and accumulate with any other edible scraps that find their way there.

To avoid blockages caused by food, be sure to collect all food particles before washing dishes - scrape off dirty plates into a trash bin instead of dumping them down the drain. As well, use drain strainers when running water from sinks to trap any debris from being sent to the pipes.

A good cleaning schedule of once a month will help clear away accumulated grime and food particles inside the pipe. Simple preventive maintenance as part of a weekly or monthly home care routine can help reduce clogs caused by food waste.

5. Toiletries Items

Toiletries items like soap, shampoo, and conditioner are often the common cause of clogged drains. The film that is left behind after using these products can build up over time and eventually lead to a blockage in the drains. To avoid these clogs, pour hot water mixed with baking soda or vinegar down the drain once every few weeks as a preventative measure.

Use strainers every time you take a shower or bath to stop hair and other debris from entering the pipes. Regularly cleaning bathroom sinks and tubs will also reduce the risk of clogged drains caused by toiletry items. Doing all this can save you from extended showers due to a blocked drain!

6. Tree Roots

One of the most common causes of clogged drains is tree roots. Over time, strong, persistent tree roots can penetrate through pipes and cause blockages in your plumbing system. The best way to avoid this kind of issue is to make sure nearby trees are kept well-maintained and trimmed, as this reduces the chances of root intrusion into your pipes.

If you suspect that a tree root has caused a clog in your drain already, call a professional plumber who will be able to identify the source of the blockage and provide solutions for you.

7. Detergents & Bleach Products

One of the most common things we find clogging drains are detergents and bleach products. These cleaning solutions can leave residue on pipes and build up over time, leading to a blockage. These materials also tend to create chemical reactions with oils and grease, which can lead to a tougher line of blockage inside the pipe.

To avoid clogs caused by detergents and bleach products, use hot water when draining away these solutions and avoid pouring excessive amounts down the drain at once. Certain non-enzymatic cleaners are certified not to cause any damage to your pipes, so be sure to check labels before purchasing them.

The list of common causes for clogged drains is long, and the key to avoiding them is prevention. Regular maintenance of your plumbing system - such as using strainers over the bathtub and sink drains, regularly pouring hot water down the drain, and keeping nearby trees well-maintained and trimmed - can help reduce the risk of unnecessary blockages. By being mindful of what you put down the drain and taking proactive steps, you can enjoy a clog-free home for years to come!

If you're looking for help to keep your drains clog-free, look no further than
Rochester Drain-Rite. We offer a 90-day residential guarantee for your drains remaining unclogged for 90 days and can provide expert advice on how to best maintain your plumbing system. Whether it's installing strainers over bathtub and sink drains, regularly pouring hot water down the drain, or keeping nearby trees well-maintained and trimmed, our team of experienced professionals can help you take the necessary steps to reduce the risk of clogged drains in your home. Contact us today at 507-288-2121 for more information or to get started on your residential plumbing needs. We look forward to helping you keep your drains clog-free!

22 Mar, 2023
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03 Feb, 2023
For business owners, keeping drains clear and clog-free is essential to the smooth running of their business. Over time, however, clogs can occur due to the accumulation of hair, dirt, soap residue, and other debris that can cause blockages. That can lead to slow-running or completely blocked drains which can be a major problem. In those cases, it’s important to know when it’s time to call in a professional to tackle the problem. Calling in an expert service for drain cleaning can help avoid more serious problems in the future. In this post, we'll outline the signs that indicate it’s time to call in a professional drain cleaning service. These can range from strange noises, slow-running drains, unpleasant odors, and, of course, standing water that just won't drain. By catching the problems early, a professional can help protect your business from further issues down the road.
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04 Jan, 2023
Nobody enjoys dealing with a clogged drain, but the time and frustration involved can be even worse. Thankfully, there are a few simple steps you can take to prevent your drains from becoming clogged. While there are many different causes for clogged pipes, such as foreign objects entering the pipes, indoor plumbing corrosion, or aging pipes, there are preventative measures and tips that you can take to avoid having to deal with a drain clog. In this blog post, we will be discussing 11 simple strategies that you can adopt to help keep your drains running smoothly. From proper waste disposal techniques to the regular use of a drain cleaner, you can easily implement some very effective practices that will keep your drains from becoming clogged. Keep reading to learn more about how to limit drain buildup and save yourself time and money by avoiding a clog.
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30 Nov, 2022
Do you know the dangers of pouring certain things down a drain? Although we may not think about it, doing so can cause serious problems with your pipes and plumbing over time. Over the years, we've seen it all - clogged drains, damaged kitchen appliances, and bathroom fixtures, rising water bills, and more. The good news is that most of these issues that stem from clogged drains and plumbing can be prevented in most instances by following a few simple rules and guidelines. As soon as water begins to drain slowly or doesn't drain at all, it is clear that you have a problem. There are a ton of things that people pour down their drains every day which can cause drainage issues. There are many common household items that can get caught in the pipes can clog your drains, but these should be disposed of in a sanitary way. Doing so will help prevent future plumbing problems as well as insect infestations in your home. If your drains smell, have slow-moving water, or are backing up, read this short article and find out what to do to save yourself the headache of a plumbing bill.
11 Nov, 2022
We all want to avoid drain cleaning. It makes sense considering we want to avoid the hassle and potential mess that goes along with it. You're probably not even aware that some of the drains in your home need to be cleaned. And trust me when I say you do not want them clogged. Not only do they smell, but they also can become expensive to fix over time. And even worse is when the drains overflow and cause water damage to your house. If your drains aren't performing the way they should be, it can be caused by a number of reasons – from tree roots to foreign objects lodged in the sewer line. The problem could also be that you're doing something wrong at home. That's why you should check for signs of trouble and know when to call for professional drain cleaning services. Drain cleaning is a dirty job. Get it done right the first time by calling a professional.
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